Ask Dr. Raffaele

Rational Dosing of TA-65: Measure, measure, measure.

“I am 80 years old and in good health. I have taken TA 65 for one year without apparent results. According to the Patton protocol at my age I should take four capsule a day but [...]

Do Telomeres Have a Role in Cancer?

Q: My fiancée and I have been taking TA-65 for almost a year, but when I told one of my doctors about it he was concerned. He said he was offered an opportunity to dispense TA-65 [...]

Mammograms and PSA Tests: To Do or Not To Do

 You’ve probably noticed the ground shifting on the question of screening for the three major gender-specific cancers—prostate cancer in men, breast and cervical cancer in women. It all comes from a series of earth-shaking reports in [...]